Key Messages
The President U Thein Sein visited Kalay in Sagaing Region over 21-23 August. He met with flood survivors in Paukkhon and Yayleu villages [right] to listen to their needs. He also inspected the progress of road repairs and drain dredging.
The Vice-President U Nyan Tun, as Chairman of the National Natural Disaster Management Committee (NNDMC), gave support and encouragement to flood survivors in the district of Thayawady, Bago on 15 August.
On 18 August, the Recovery Coordination Work Committee and the Early Recovery Network had a joint meeting and announced the Recovery Coordination Framework. It was agreed that a recovery needs assessment, covering data on loss and damage, would be conducted to guide planning.
The NNDMC has identified Hakha in Chin, Kale in Sagaing, Pwint Phyu in Magway and Myaukoo and Minbya in Rakhine as the five most-affected townships; this was according to the direct economic losses of these areas.