More than 85,694 Burundian refugees have arrived in Tanzania since early May 2015 and are living in Nyarugusu camp.
A total of 1,288 refugees arrived in Tanzania between 11th August and 17th August; the most used entry points are Buhigwe, Kakongo, and Ngara.
The average daily rate of arrivals into Tanzania is below 250 individuals.
As of 21th August, Nyarugusu camp is host to 151,651 refugees mainly from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
83,610 (as of 21st August)
Number of Burundian refugees registered (biometric) in Nyarugusu camp
63,658 Number of Congolese refugees in Nyarugusu camp
9,059 Number of Persons with Special Needs
60% Percentage of children among the Burundian population
17,769 (as of 21st August)
Total Enrollment of Burundian children in 10 Temporary Learning Spaces
Identification of additional land to accommodate refugees
Strengthening health facilities
Enhancing protection monitoring activities
Construction of family shelters in Nyarugusu to house new Burundian refugees