I. General / Inter-Sector Update
Jordan Response Plan (JRP) and Refugee and Resilience Response Plan (3RP):
The Jordan Response Plan 2016-2018 process proceeded from the Assessment to the Planning phase. Government-led task forces met to agree on objectives and outputs, consolidated into ‘project sheets’. The project sheets and budgets were further elaborated at a workshop from 24th to 26th August 2015. The plan is being reviewed by the Government, and will be presented at a Validation workshop in early October.
In support of the JRP, an inter-agency appeal will also be launched later in October for the refugee pillar under the 3RP. Aligned to the JRP, UN and NGOs will estimate resource requirements and areas of intervention, to be published before the end of 2015. A regional 3RP workshop took place from 29th August to 1st September, with the aim to share experiences and establish common approaches within the region.