Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The average precipitation for the period under review was 0.43 for the county compared with 0.36 recorded in April with Samburu East recording 0.38 as measured by Standard Precipitation Index (SPI).
The rangeland conditions improved from 17.53 in last month up to 40.77 as measured by Vegetation Condition Index (VCI).
The accessibility and availability of water for livestock and domestic use is normal for the period.
Socio economic indicators detailsMinimal migration in areas which received inadequate rainfall was witnessed particularly in Samburu East.
Livestock body conditions has improved compared to last month ranging at moderate, neither fat or thin and good smooth appearance.
Average milk production increased from 36 litres to 61 litres which was within the normal range. Milk consumption of 54 bottles was within normal range
A few livestock deaths were also reported due to slaughter.
A pastoralist needs 0.58 kg of meat in exchange for a kilo of cereals. This value was outside acceptable ranges.
16 % of sampled children below 5 years of age were found to be at risk of malnutrition. This percentage was within normal expected range.