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Kenya: UNHCR Kenya Kakuma Operational Update, 29 October - 11 November 2015

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Kenya, South Sudan


  • As at 11 November 2015, Kakuma had registered 47,457 asylum seekers from South Sudan. During the reporting period, 96 individuals were transported to the camp from Nadapal. As at 06 November, the total registered camp population was 182,986

  • UNHCR in collaboration with UNFPA and UN Women officially launched the HeForShe campaign on 09 November. The global campaign has been commissioned by the UN Secretary General and is widely supported by several heads of states including the US President. It recognizes that gender inequality is a human rights issue and encourages men to speak out and take action against inequalities faced by women and girls. The Head of sub office opened the event which was attended by the UN Women Country Director. Male staff from UNHCR and other agencies attended the launch in large numbers to support the initiative.

  • A PRM team was on a monitoring mission in Kakuma from 04 to 06 November. The officials, based in Nairobi and Washington had briefings with UNHCR, the Deputy County Commissioner and the agencies that implement various PRM funded projects. They also met with refugee leaders.

  • UNHCR Kenya officially launched the Artists for Refugees project at the Alliance Française in Nairobi on 04 November. The colourful event was attended by refugees from Dadaab, Kakuma and Nairobi who showcased talent in art, music and culture. The event began with a screening of a documentary on the Project illustrating the work that UNHCR is doing in the camps, together with Filmaid and the Project facilitators and mentors - reknown musician Octopizzo and editorial cartoonist and illustrator, Victor Ndula.

  • Kakuma experienced heavy rains over the last three days which resulted in some flooding in parts of the camp. Some access roads were cut off by flooded rivers rendering parts of the camp inaccessible for some hours. The water levels subsided after several hours.

  • UNHCR Field teams visited some 120 families that had been relocated to safer areas in anticipation of El Nino. Some of them lost their dry food rations while others’ tents were water logged. Following a rapid assessment, all the families were issued with NFIs including sleeping mats and blankets. UNHCR in collaboration with shelter partner NCCK also provided iron sheets and plastic sheeting which will be used to construct 100 T-shelters immediately. Allocation of cash assistance to the families that lost food has been planned. Partner agencies are working with the community to lay sandbags in the affected areas. An excavator will also be deployed to dig trenches and unblock drainage passages to ensure free flow of excess water into the rivers and away from settlement areas.

  • A team from Kimetrica was in Kakuma from 02 to 06 November to conduct training for interpreters and enumerators who will participate in the forthcoming vulnerability assessment survey. The training was finalized on 06 November after which data collection commenced on 08 November and is expected to end on 04 December 2015.


47,457 Asylum seekers received since influx began in December 2013.

2,877 UAMS in Kakuma Camp.

1:14 The ratio of latrines to users in Kakuma Litres of water provided per person per day in Kakuma.

7,932 Number of roofed durable shelters in Kakuma 4.



Requested for the operation


  • Monitor trends of daily new arrivals

  • Maintenance of water network to ensure improved supply

  • Reinforcement of El Nino preparedness measures

  • Monitor diseases of outbreak potential i.e. watery diarrhea and cholera

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