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Ghana: Cholera outbreak in the West and Central Africa: Regional Update, 2015 - Week 46

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo

End of the cholera epidemic in Ghana

Ghana announced in their last report the end of the cholera epidemic after 3 weeks without new reported case. During week 44, the three (3) suspected cholera cases reported from Lower Manya-Krobo district, Eastern region, were investigated and found to be non-cholera cases. Stool samples obtained from the suspected cases tested negative for Vibrio cholerae by culturing at the National Public Health Reference Laboratory. Active case search conducted in the said community identified no cases. Therefore, to date, the entire country has reported zero case of cholera in the last three weeks which clearly states the end of cholera epidemic in Ghana. Nevertheless, there is still critical need to continue with cholera prevention and control activities, particularly WASH, social mobilization and public education, and enhanced surveillance. In addition, more investment should now be directed towards cholera preparedness activities.

Large outbreak persisting in Maniema region and Fizi district in South Kivu, DRC

Responsible for nearly 82% of reported cases, the outbreak in several districts of the Maniema region and Fizi district in south Kivu remains of great concern. Investigations are ongoing in Maniema in order to focus cholera response activities

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