New evacuations of people living on the Lake islands were initiated provoking the displacement of new IDPs, not yet registered in Tchoukoutalia (20,000 people) and Fourkouloum (8,000 people).
These 28,000 new IDPs are not included in the estimates from late November stating 53,639 IDPs, of which 59,5% have already been registered.
A triple bombing hit the island of Koulfoua on 5 th December, killing 30 and injuring at least 120.
Intercommunity violence was reported on 1st December in Kiskra, killing six people.
A new Governor of the Lac, Mr. Adoum Forteye, was appointed on 7 th December.
Multi-sectoral assessment missions took place in areas not covered so far, such as Ngouboua and Tchoukoutalia, to assess assistance needs.
Despite all the efforts, urgent needs remain in all sectors: shelter, food security, water, hygiene and sanitation, protection and health.
53,639 IDPs arrived since 21st July, 2015 Source: DTM OIM/HCR/CNARR/UNICEF (18/11/2015)
28,000 Estimated new IDPs in Tchoukoutalia and Fourkouloum Source: inter-agency mission (05/12/2015)
11,000 IDPs arrived between January and June 2015 Source: IOM profiling (30/06/2015)
11,593 Chadian returnees from Nigeria arrived since January 2015 Source: IOM profiling (13/10/2015)
7,868 Refugees living in Dar es Salam refugee camp since January 2015 Source: HCR/CNARR (10/10//2015)
Insecurity in Lac region continues in the context of the state of emergency. Following an attack in Koulkimé 40 kilometers south of Baga Sola on 27th November, three simultaneous suicide attacks took place on Saturday, 5 th December, in Koulfoua, near Kangalom (50 kilometers south of Bol). The attacks killed 30 people and injured about 120 on the Fish Market, Central Market and in an alley of the village. Because of the difficulty of access the island, helicopters were sent to evacuate the wounded to hospitals in the region and in N'Djamena. Moreover, community violence was reported in Kiskra on 1st December, killing six people and injuring a dozen. This violence is related to the refusal of stigmatization of some ethnic groups, regularly suspected of belonging to an armed group.
Population movements are ongoing. Following further forced evacuation of the islands, only the islands of Kaiga Ngouboua, Kandjirom and Kaiga Litri would still be occupied by local people according to the Delegate for Social Action, representing about 15,000 people from 35 villages living with Chadian armed forces. More than 20,000 new IDPs were reported in Tchoukoutalia and 8,000 coming from Ngouboua in Fourkouloum. These estimates add to the 53,639 estimated IDPs (18th November). These estimates should now be validated by the Population Movements Working Group in N'Djamena. In addition, the evacuations were conducted without any accompanying measure and while some IDPs were able to leave their homes with livestock and food supplies, though quickly dwindling, others left without anything and are particularly vulnerable. In this context, strengthening monitoring capabilities and monitoring of risks related to the protection of the Lake populations is essential. The access to these populations is still a problem, in particular in Tchoukoutalia where the eastern part of the city is inaccessible to trucks delivering food assistance. The ways of organizing this assistance from the last accessible spot are being studied.
Despite the reduction of the humanitarian space, the humanitarian community is now trying to extend the areas of multi-sectoral assessments beyond the axis of Bol and Baga Sola in areas not covered yet or sparsely covered: Daboua, Liwa, Ngouboua and Tchoukoutalia. A first multi-sectoral assessment mission was conducted by OCHA on 24th November to assess the needs in Ngouboua,
Tchoukoutalia and Fourkouloum. A second multisectoral joint mission (OCHA, UNICEF, WFP,
UNHCR, UNDSS, CNARR, Help Chad, IDHL, Aderba) was then organized on 5th December to Tchoukoutalia and Fourkouloum. These assessments could point out priority needs in almost all sectors: food security, WASH, shelter and NFI. The livelihoods of these people who live on farming and livestock are threatened by lack of access to their land, which could create a dependency on assistance. Finally, a mission of the WASH cluster was also held between 7th and 10th December in Bol, Baga Sola and Fourkouloum.
As part of an inter-agency visit, the Humanitarian Coordinator visited Baga Sola on Monday, 7 th December, to meet with authorities and visit the refugee camp of Dar es Salaam and the IDP site of Kafia. Advocacy about the relocation of IDPs and refugees continues in order to engage the Chadian Government in a respectful approach of international instruments and humanitarian principles.