Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Dry and hot weather condition prevailed in the first three weeks of the month .However in the last week of the month moderate rainfall was received that rained for two days in all the livelihoods
The state of water was rated at 4 which indicated within normal range but on declining trend
The vegetation condition index (VCI) for October 2015 was recorded at48 which was above the normal range of 35-50 Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
The livestock body condition was rated at 3 which indicated Alert where thin fore ribs are visible and is below normal range of 4-5.
Milk Production was recorded at 40.8 litres which was above the normal range of 13.33-36.01
Milk consumption was at 36.2 litres which was above the normal range of 9.0- 21.8
Percentage of children at risk of malnutrition based on MUAC below 135mm was 10% which was within the (threshold ) the normal ranges of 15.64-21.60
The average prices of all species of livestock had registered a decrease except sheep which recorded an increase when compared with previous month
In addition an increase was noted for cereal prices
The livestock population were concentrated within the settlement areas
Generally the early warning phase classification was ALERT with a worsening trend