Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
An average rainfall of 32.67% of the long term average was received in the month of January which was below the normal range.
Vegetation condition was normal during the month of January but the condition deteriorated slightly from that of December due to low rainfall amounts in the month of January.
Pasture condition was poor in some parts of the county especially in Fisheries, Pastoral and Mixed farming livelihood zone. However, browse condition remained good in most livelihood zones.
The state of water sources for the month of January was normal. Average House hold water distance increased slightly from 1.35 Km in December to 1.97 Km in January.
Socio Economic Indicators
The body condition for both cattle and goats were normal but the condition deteriorated slightly.
There were no cases of livestock migration.
There were attacks on a police vehicle in Milimani and also another separate attack in Witho, Poromoko area (Witu).
The proportion of children at risk of malnutrition increased in the month under review but remained lower than the long term mean.
The coping strategy index decreased in the month under review.