Drought Situation
Environmental Indicators
The accumulative rainfall for January was 237.9% of the long term average which led to improvement of vegetation greenness. The 3-monthly VCI for January for all the five sub counties was above the historical average while the return distances to water sources from grazing areas as well as from the households remained within the normal range.
Production Indicators
Maize crop was in fair condition and the yields were expected to be normal. Similarly livestock body conditions were good for all species and household daily milk product was stable. Outbreak of Blue Tongue was reported in January and vaccination campaign against the disease was on going.
Access indicators
The terms of trade for pastoralists and prices of livestock for all species were on an increasing trend and above the long term averages. On the other hand prices of maize remained stable while that of beans reduced substantially. Household daily milk consumption was stable but below the long term average.
Utilization Indicators
The nutrition status of under-fives improved above the long term average for the month.