Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
The percentage average rainfall to that of the long term average for the month of May was 115.8% which was good and within the normal range. However, in Medina area 100 people have been affected by floods and 10 households have lost their shelter. Therefore, there is need for necessary intervention to cushion their livelihood.
The vegetation condition was normal and improving as shown by the VCI index of 44.08 which was within the normal range. For Lamu East Sub County, which comprises of Fisheries and Mixed Farming livelihood Zone, VCI was 41.89 which was still within the normal range hence there was no Agricultural Drought in May.
The State of water sources was normal the main sources being : Shallow wells - 33.3%,Boreholes - 25%, (Natural Rivers, Lakes, Traditional River wells, Djabia, Pans & Dams) - 8.3% each
Average House hold water distance decreased from 15.6 Km in April to 1.58Km in May due to recharge of most of the water sources from the ongoing rainfall.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators).
The general body condition for cattle improved from borderline in April to moderate in May and was rated at score 5.
Goats’ body condition improved slightly due to improvement of browse condition but it still remained moderate.
The pasture quality and quantity was fair and it improved slightly from that of the previous month.
Kiunga, Faza, Mkokoni and Moa still had the worst pasture and Browse condition in the county but the condition was improving due to rainfall which is been received in those areas.
Drought EW phase for the month of May was stable and the drought risk was low.