14,331 Identified unaccompanied minors
0 Households provided with cash grants since 1st January 2016
1,288,598 NFIs distributed since January 2015
2,931 Shelters distributed since January 2015
An agreement between Department of Refugee Affairs (DRA) and UNHCR that joint registration using ProGres database will commence in March 2016. This will address the issue of parallel registration at DRA and UNHCR. A delegation from the World Bank, UN-HABITAT, United Nations OCHA, Equity Bank Kenya, World Vision International, World Vision Kenya and MasterCard International were in Kakuma to identify business opportunities for refugees for the new Kalobeyei settlement.
UNHCR Dadaab participated in a forum initiated by DFID in collaboration with International and National NGOs intervening in the livelihoods sector. Representatives of DFID highlighted that they had plans for a multi – year, five year – two phased strategy focusing on the livelihood / resilience building for the refugee programmes in Dadaab and Kakuma Camps.
A high level delegation from the International Olympic Committee ( IOC) and the National Olympic Committee of Kenya were in Kakuma to discuss Rio 2016 and possibilities for refugee athletes’ participation.
European Commission was in Dadaab and the focus was on supporting the Security Partnership Projects (SPP).