On 18 January, IOM took part to a crossborder meeting in Pamelap with the Minister of Health, the National Coordination, as well as EVD Response partners in Guinea and Sierra Leone, to share all information related to the EVD cases in Sierra Leone.
From January 25 to 29, in partnership with CDC and the George Washington University, IOM organized a training of trainer session in Health Emergency Management (HEM) to 11 beneficiaries
On 28 January, the Chief of Mission of IOM Guinea, along with UNCT delegation, congratulated the newly appointed Prime Minister, Head of Government, Mr. Mamadi Youla, for his nomination and addressed him their wishes.
Situation of the Ebola Virus Disease after its resurgence in Sierra Leone
On January 20, a second Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) case was confirmed in Sierra Leone. It concerned the aunt of the young lady who died on January 12 in the district of Tonkolili, in the northern part of the country and that post-mortem analysis confirmed that she died of EVD.
After the Ebola Virus Disease reappeared in Sierra Leone on January 14, Guinean authorities decided to strengthen health surveillance activities at the country’s borders with Sierra Leone. IOM remains a key partner in implementing these activities.
OIM re-launched health screening activities at the 48 official and non-official Points of Entry along the border in Forecariah and Kindia (Madina Oula).
No new case has been reported in Guinea since the official end of the epidemic was declared by WHO.