Source: UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Country: occupied Palestinian territory, Syrian Arab Republic
Today, 15 February, UNRWA sustained a third consecutive day of food distributions in Yalda. An additional 1,200 families from Yalda, Babila, Beit Saham and Yarmouk received a 35 kg food parcel containing a range of basic commodities. A total of 3,300 families, over 50 per cent of the total targeted population in the area, have received food parcels since UNRWA resumed humanitarian operations, representing 116 metric tons of food assistance distributed to date.
- UNRWA provided a total of 1,200 family food parcels from a distribution point in Yalda, serving civilians residing in Yalda, Babila, Beit Saham and Yarmouk.
- The community has indicated that their greatest needs include food, non-food items (particularly winter blankets and clothing), and access to clean water and health care. Access to water remains restricted in Yarmouk, with residents relying on untreated water from wells for their daily needs, resulting in increased health risks for the community.
- UNRWA has reached over 50 per cent of the 6,000 families targeted in these areas. Food distributions will continue tomorrow, Tuesday, 16 February, and Wednesday, 17 February, after which UNRWA will begin distribution of winter blankets and establish mobile health points.
- UNRWA continues to coordinate closely with other humanitarian partners and hopes this renewed access, facilitated by the Syrian authorities, will lead to sustained operations in the area.
- As armed violence continues to threaten the lives and safety of Palestine refugees throughout Syria, UNRWA appeals for donors to increase their support to the 2016 UNRWA Syria Regional Crisis Emergency Appeal.
- More than 95 per cent of Palestine refugees in Syria now rely on UNRWA to meet their daily needs of food, water and health care.