• The recent attacks inYebi (May 31) and Bosso (3 June) have displaced tens of thousands of people towards safer area on the axis BossoKitchandji and Bosso-GagamGueskerou-Diffa.
• No official figures on the total number of displaced people are available.
• Many displaced people are hosted by local families while others have settled in public buildings (schools, markets etc.), or in the open along the national road or in the bush.
• Most of the host families are already highly vulnerable and could see their situation further deteriorate if urgent assistance is not provided to them as well. Some people met by humanitarian actors expressed their wish to move to other regions of Niger or even Nigeria.
• Many of the displaced remain in the bush and need transportation. On 9 June authorities and partners mobilized four trucks to relocate people to the site of Gagam located 60 km from Bosso town. A total of 339 people have been transported so far.
• On 7 June, the first assessment missions jointly organized by Nigerien authorities and humanitarian partners took place in eight districts of Diffa and several localities between Gagam and Kitchandji. On 9 June, another joint assessment mission by the authorities and humanitarian partners visited Kablewa. There are urgent drinking, foods, shelter, non-food items, protection, including psychosocial support, hygiene and sanitation needs. So far water and high energy biscuits distributions have taken place and ambulatory health care has been provided to the displaced.
• The security situation remains volatile. However since 7 June, authorities and humanitarian partners have been progressively conducting assessments and delivering assistance in accessible areas.
• Only 25 per cent (or $18 million) of the required $74 million for the Diffa region have been mobilized so far. Emergency stocks have been diverted from other programs to provide lifesaving assistance. Additional resources are urgently required and must be made available immediately to prevent a humanitarian disaster.