Central African Republic: Central African Republic Humanitarian Situation...
Source: UN Children's FundCountry: Central African RepublicHighlightsThe new parliament was inaugurated on 3 May, signaling the end of the political transition. 128 members have been elected, with 12...
View ArticlePeru: Reporte Preliminar n° 207 - Zika afecta a la población de los...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:En la región de las Américas el primer caso autóctono fue notificado en febrero de 2014 por el Ministerio de Salud de Chile (Isla de Pascua); la presencia...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de Emergencia n° 345 – Heladas afectan distritos de la...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:El 16 de mayo del 2016, a las 19:00 horas aproximadamente, se registró el descenso de temperaturas, afectando la vida y salud de la población en la...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de Emergencia n° 344 – Heladas y granizadas afectan al...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:Durante el presente periodo se viene registrando heladas meteorológicas (temperaturas iguales o inferiores a 0°C) en gran parte de las zonas alto andinas y...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de Emergencia n° 342 – Heladas y granizadas afectan al Distrito...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:Durante el presente periodo se viene registrando heladas meteorológicas (temperaturas iguales o inferiores a 0°C) en gran parte de las zonas alto andinas y...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de Emergencia n° 341 – Situación nacional ante las bajas...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:Durante el presente periodo se vienen registrando heladas meteorológicas (temperaturas iguales o inferiores a 0°C) en gran parte de las zonas alto andinas...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de Emergencia n° 340 – Heladas afectan al Departamento de Cusco
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:Durante el presente periodo se viene registrando heladas meteorológicas (temperaturas iguales o inferiores a 0°C) en gran parte de las zonas alto andinas y...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de Emergencia n° 339 – Heladas y granizadas afectan el...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:Durante el presente periodo se vienen registrando heladas meteorológicas (temperaturas iguales o inferiores a 0°C) en gran parte de las zonas alto andinas...
View ArticleDemocratic Republic of the Congo: Rapport de situation Fièvre jaune en RD...
Source: Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, World Health OrganizationCountry: Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo1.RESUMEFin de la riposte vaccinale dans les 11 zones de santé...
View ArticleUganda: Uganda CO South Sudanese, Burundi and DRC Refugees, Internal...
Source: UN Children's FundCountry: Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, UgandaHighlightsGo Back to School (GBS) campaigns have started in the eight sub counties of Arua and seven sub...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de Emergencia no 346 - Brote de Dengue afecta a la poblacion de...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruHECHOS:Desde la semana epidemiológica N° 02, se registró el brote de dengue y los factores más importantes que inciden en su transmisión, se encuentran; las altas...
View ArticleEthiopia: Ethiopia ‑ Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #12 Fiscal Year (FY) 2016
Source: US Agency for International DevelopmentCountry: Ethiopia, United States of AmericaHIGHLIGHTSGoE, relief actors launch assessment of belg seasonal outcomes on June 5 Flood-affected households...
View ArticleSeychelles: Seychelles: Dengue Outbreak Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) DREF...
Source: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent SocietiesCountry: Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion (France), SeychellesSituation analysisDescription of the disaster According to...
View ArticleSyrian Arab Republic: IOM regional response to the Syria crisis (May 2016)
Source: International Organization for MigrationCountry: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syrian Arab Republic, TurkeyHighlightsSyria: On 31 May, in response to the sudden influx of IDPs to Kafer Bhm (Homs), IOM...
View ArticleBangladesh: Bangladesh: Cyclone Roanu - Humanitarian Coordination Task Team...
Source: Government of Bangladesh, UN Country Team in Bangladesh, UN Resident Coordinator for BangladeshCountry: BangladeshFood SecurityTo date, 19 organizations have started their response, mainly...
View ArticleWorld: WHO Zika Virus, Microcephaly and Guillain-Barré Syndrome Situation...
Source: World Health OrganizationCountry: American Samoa, Argentina, Aruba (The Netherlands), Barbados, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (The Netherlands),...
View ArticlePeru: Informe de emergencia n° 345 – Heladas afectan distritos de la...
Source: Government of PeruCountry: PeruI. HECHOS:El 16 de mayo del 2016, a las 19:00 horas aproximadamente, se registró el descenso de temperaturas, afectando la vida y salud de la población en la...
View ArticleAngola: Situation Report Yellow Fever, 9 June 2016
Source: World Health OrganizationCountry: Angola, Brazil, China, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Peru, UgandaSUMMARYFrom the beginning of the outbreak on 15 December...
View ArticleNiger: Niger: Diffa (Bosso-Yebi) Flash update #4, 9 June 2016
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsCountry: Niger• The recent attacks inYebi (May 31) and Bosso (3 June) have displaced tens of thousands of people towards safer area on the...
View ArticleSudan: Sudan Child Protection Sub Sector Bulletin (January 2016 to May 2016)
Source: UN Children's Fund, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Protection ClusterCountry: SudanProgress of Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) - 2016In 2016 the Protection Sector Strategic Response Plan,...
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