PERIOD: 21 Feb 2016 – 21 May 2016
867,000: est. total population
350,000: est. persons affected
US$ 38.6 million requested in Flash Appeal
US$ 19.8 million total funding for Flash Appeal
51% funded
Tropical Cyclone Winston hit Fiji on February 20 and 21 at Category 5 force affecting an estimated 350,000 people or 40 per cent of the population in various ways. At least 31,000 houses were damaged or destroyed in affected areas, predominantly in the country’s Eastern, Northern and Western Divisions. The Fijian Government has placed the total cost of damage from the disaster at US$1.4 billion1. The cyclone interrupted schooling and medical services, as well as destroying livelihoods. Forestry, fisheries and agriculture were hit especially hard. Total crop losses were recorded in some locations and areas which were already suffering under El Nino-fueled water shortages in the country’s West have suffered further damage as a result of TC Winston. The disaster prompted a large-scale local, national and international response, led by the Fijian Government with support from national and international partners, the Republic of Fiji Military Forces and foreign military assets.
In light of the extensive humanitarian need, on 4 March, the Fijian Government and the United Nations jointly launched a three month, $38.6m Flash Appeal. The Flash Appeal period ended on 21 May with 51 per cent (US$19.8 million) of requested funding received, making the TC Winston Appeal the best funded emergency response in the world this year.
The Flash Appeal has been supported with generous donations from: the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, Australia, Sweden, Canada, the United States of America, the European Commission, New Zealand, Germany, Belgium, Lithuania, the allocation of un-earmarked emergency funds from UN and other agencies, and funds from private donors (individuals and organisations).
While most of the funds (85 per cent) were received by UN agencies, the vast majority of projects were implemented by local actors. Nearly 60 per cent of the funding went to projects implemented by the Fijian Government and eight per cent by national NGOs. A further 14 per cent of funding was implemented by international NGOs and 20 per cent directly by UN agencies.
It should be noted that substantial bilateral funding was also provided by donors to the Fijian Government and this direct assistance is not covered by this funding summary. However, bilateral funding did contribute to cluster activities outlined below.