TC Winston Highlights
The Fijian Government has placed the total cost of damages at US$1.4 billion (approximately one third of Fiji’s annual GDP)
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) hosted an inter-cluster meeting to address the significant, ongoing needs on Koro Island
More than 23,000 people in 120 villages have been reached through eight weeks of integrated family health mobile outreach activities supported by the MoHMS, UNICEF, UNFPA and WHO
National guidelines for the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition finalised and front line health workers being trained
UNICEF field monitors visited 140 communities to confirm the delivery and assess the usefulness of supplies and activities
As of 30 June 2016 in Fiji:
30,800 children benefiting from teaching and learning materials
23,000+ people reached through mobile health outreach activities
10,860 children reached through the ‘Just Play Emergency Programme’
17,000 people issued with replacement birth certificates
12,000+ radio public service announcements broadcast in English, i-Taukei and Hindi languages
140,000+ people sent disaster readiness, disaster response and recovery messages via SMS messages
Highlights from around the Pacific
The UNICEF Pacific supported OFC Just Play programme won a Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Foundation for Children Award in Paris, France. The award was for improving the lives of children in the Pacific. Just Play uses sport to support children’s development and has reached more than 210,000 children in the Pacific.
The Government of Nauru has reinforced its commitment to children’s rights by adopting a comprehensive and forward-looking Child Protection and Welfare Act, bringing Nauru into alignment with many international standards, and strengthening the protection of children’s right under various international conventions, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
A number of emergency preparedness activities took place in Vanuatu including an Education in Emergencies workshop, training on Child Protection in Emergencies and a Mass Evacuation in Natural Disasters exercise.
UNICEF deployed a child protection specialist to the Republic of the Marshall Islands to identify key areas of child protection needs and interventions in response to the El Niño drought.
Operational research on using the Hepatitis B vaccine (birth dose) ‘outside the cold chain’ in Solomon Islands has more than doubled the coverage rate of the Hepatitis B birth dose for infants in target locations.
The Government of Samoa presented its combined second to fourth periodic reports to the Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva, in compliance with their reporting obligations as a state party to the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC).