The following syndromes have been flagged:
· Diarrhoea: Fiji, Vanuatu
· Influenza-like Illness: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu
· Prolonged fever: Solomon Islands
Other updates:
Zika virus
· American Samoa: As of 23 June 2016 there have been a total of 706 suspected cases and 29 laboratory confirmed cases since 1 January 2016 . Fourteen of the confirmed cases were pregnant women. Fifty-four percent of suspected cases were female and most affected age group was 10 years old or younger. For further details please refer to Fesili Niumata-Foifua’s PacNet post on 25 June 2016.
· FSM (Kosrae State): As of 27 June there have been 94 suspected cases since 10 February 2016. Of these twelve were confirmed by PCR and eleven cases were Zika IgM positive. The attack rates within Kosrae’s municipalities ranges from 9.16 to 21.17 per 1,000 population. For further details please refer to Afeke Kambui’
Yellow Fever
· As of 17 June 2016, Angola has reported 3294 suspected cases of yellow fever with 347 deaths. Among those cases, 861 have been laboratory confirmed. Despite extensive vaccination campaigns in several provinces, circulation of the virus persists.
· As of 20 June, the Democratic Republic of Congo has reported 1106 suspected cases, including 68 confirmed cases and 75 deaths, Of the 68 confirmed cases, 59 were imported from Angola.