Highlights and Key Messages
Targeting 1.15 million people for Phase II of its operation, WFP has so far assisted 500,000 people with food and nutrition support. Of the total assisted people, 40,000 have been reached through cash distributions. To date, WFP has injected over US$500,000 into the local economy, further strengthening and reinvigorating the markets. In Phase I, WFP assisted over two million people with basic food rations in priority districts.
WFP’s cash for assets programme is currently supporting early recovery efforts through activities such as debris removal and citrus tree planting. As the affected communities recover from the twin earthquakes, the programme will transition into more robust community infrastructure and livelihood rehabilitation activities such as the reconstruction of houses, schools, public buildings, agricultural infrastructure and rural roads.
The food security situation in the affected zones varies. Some village development committees (VDCs) still require immediate support, while other communities are already able to focus on recovery and rehabilitation. With this in mind, WFP continues to work at scale in the affected communities, capitalising on its expertise in emergency work, as well as early recovery work.
Two months after the earthquake struck Nepal, WFP has deployed staff and equipment to establish and support the humanitarian community with: eight logistics hubs, handling close to 11,300 mt of cargo for 121 different organisations; emergency telecommunications support for over 140 organisations; aviation support for 97 organisations including the transport of 871 mt of humanitarian cargo and 1,730 humanitarian workers.
To support the recovery of the health sector, WFP continues to construct mobile health clinics to support the communities whose medical facilities have been damaged or destroyed by the earthquake, or those that are now isolated due to landslides. Nine clinics have already been completed.
WFP has received generous contributions from many donors, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, ECHO, Germany, Japan, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Norway, United Kingdom, United States, UN CERF and private donors.