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South Sudan: South Sudan: Western Bahr el Ghazal Situation and Response Report | Update #15 (Reporting period 4 – 10 September 2016)

Source: International Organization for Migration
Country: South Sudan

Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM)

• The UN Security Council toured the Wau protection of civilians (PoC) area adjacent to the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) base and the Cathedral collective centre on 4 September, view here.

• De-congestion of the PoC site continued, with 972 individuals (169 households) without shelter relocated to 17 new communal shelters.

• Camp management continues to work with camp leadership to establish governance structures. Standard operating procedures are currently under development.

• Displacement Tracking and Monitoring: For the first time, more people were recorded as exiting the Wau PoC site than entering. Of those who do enter, most cite insecurity and lack of food as the primary reasons. While for the rst time in several weeks, the Cathedral collective centre reported more entries than exits, with most people exiting citing food and living conditions as their primary motivation.

Health Shelter and Non-Food Items (S-NFI)

•10 communal shelters were constructed in the PoC site. A total of 17 new communal shelters have been built over the past few weeks, with capacity to house 1,020 individuals.

•5,241 solar lamps were distributed to internally displaced persons (IDPs) at the Wau PoC site and to 303 households in Loko Loko.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

•IOM continues to conduct daily water monitoring for free residual cholorine, chlorine demand and Jar Test, nding that all water is safe for consumption.

•Drilling of two boreholes in the Wau PoC site is ongoing. IOM repaired 3 boreholes in Wau Municipality during the week, bringing the total of repaired boreholes to 22.


• Following nearly two months of limited access, IOM teams traveled to Ngisa, south of Wau town, on 4 September to deliver medical supplies and assess health and water needs.

• The top morbidity at IOM’s three clinics at the Cathedral, South Sudan Red Cross and Nazareth was malaria, accounting for 63% of all health consultations, followed by upper respiratory tract infection (17%).

•Routine vaccination continued during the week, with 264 children receiving vaccinations.

•46 pregnant and 133 non-pregnant women received the tetanus toxoid vaccine during the week, an increase from the previous week.

•3,544 individuals were provided with health promotion messages at the three clinics, including vaccination, diarrhea causes and prevention, family planning and malaria.

•Psychosocial Support (PSS): 7,874 individuals received PSS messages through 645 household visits by community mobilizers at the three sites. A further 42 cases were identied and provided with PSS counselling.

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