I. Key Highlights
A total of 2,807,628 (94 %) individuals 6 months and above have been vaccinated in the 22 most recently vaccinated districts as of 01 September 2016, 15 districts out of 22 achieved 90% or more of vaccination coverage. 4 districts achieved between 80-90%. Three districts did not reach 80% coverage and the vaccination campaign was extended there for another one week : Dirico, Namacunde and Sumbe
in Currently the IM System is supporting the Ministry of Health in the preparation of the upcoming campaign in 21 districts in 12 provinces. The total population targeted in this new phase is 3,189,392 and requires 3,986,019 doses of vaccines. Is expected the arrival of 1.98 M doses from the last request approved by ICG. The ICG did not communicate yet the date of shipment but is already on process.
The preparation of the coverage survey is ongoing.
II. Epidemiological Situation as of 01 September 2016
Week 35 statistics (26 August to 1 September 2016):
Of 24 suspected cases reported, all of them were tested by the National Laboratory. None of them was positive for yellow fever
One (1) death was reported among the suspected cases during this period.
Eighteen (18) districts in 8 provinces reported suspected cases of yellow fever. No district reported new confirmed case or local transmission.
Cumulative statistics since 05 December 2015:
A total of 884 laboratory confirmed cases have been reported out of 4065 suspected cases and 3540 laboratory samples tested
Overall, 372 (CFR = 9.2%) deaths were reported among suspected cases and 121 (CFR 13.7%) among confirmed cases
Laboratory confirmed cases have been reported for 16 out of 18 provinces in 80 out of 134 districts.
The last confirmed cases had a date of onset on 23 June 2016. There were 02 from Cuanhama in Cunene province, and 01 case from Cambambe in Cuanza Norte province
Vaccination campaigns have been completed in 73 municipalities, with a cumulative number of people vaccinated of 15,962,052 (65% of Angola’s population)*