The Government of Ethiopia and Humanitarian Partners have launched the revised Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD), following the completion of the Belg Assessment in early June. The document highlights a continued need for food assistance for 9.7 million drought affected people.
Out of this total, the National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC), together with WFP, are jointly responsible for the provision of assistance to 7.1 million people. 2.6 million people are assisted through the Joint Emergency Operations Programme (JEOP) NGO consortium.
WFP urgently requires USD 162.2 million to continue providing assistance for the next six months.
WFP Assistance
The Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) 200712 addresses acute food insecurity, currently exacerbated by the ongoing drought. The objectives are to transition chronically food-insecure households to a predictable safety net; to provide emergency food assistance for vulnerable households and to address malnutrition through a combination of preventative and curative approaches. The PRRO supports and complements the Government's social protection, disaster risk management and nutrition programmes. According to the mid-year review of the Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD) for 2016 following the completion of the June belg assessment, WFP and the Government’s National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) are assisting 7.1 million people out of the 9.7 million people in need of emergency food assistance for the second half of 2016. The rest, 2.6 million people will be assisted by the Joint Emergency Operation Plan (JEOP) partners.
The PRRO 200700 provides food assistance to 600,000 refugees in Ethiopia — 10 percent of which receive a combination of cash and food assistance in 11 camps. The PRRO also supports the school meals programme, targeting children attending primary schools and nutrition interventions for prevention and treatment of moderate acute malnutrition. Prevention of moderate acute malnutrition targets children aged 6-23 months, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, while targeted supplementary feeding is for children under the age of five. A small non-food intervention aims to support livelihoods and environmental rehabilitation projects in refugee areas, complementing the resources of partners.
The Country Programme (200253) comprises of: support to the Ethiopian Government in disaster risk management; school meals programme; support to people living with HIV and AIDS; and support to smallholder farmers through Purchase for Progress (P4P) initiative. The Country Programme has been extended to the end of the 2016 for Food for Education interventions.
SO 200711 provides safe and reliable air transport to thousands of humanitarian personnel. It is was scheduled to end in December 2016, but a budget revision is currently underway to extend it for a year.
SO 200977 supports and augments the logistics capacity of the Government of Ethiopia and other humanitarian partners in the drought response. The Logistics Cluster has been activated to support the response and identify gaps and bottlenecks; propose mitigating measures; augment the logistics coordination and information management capacity; and through WFP, augment the logistics capacity of the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) humanitarian responders and other humanitarian actors.