In August, President Danilo Medina began his second term in office (2016-2020).
The first rice fortification event for Latin America and the Caribbean was held in the Dominican Republic, organized by WFP and hosted by the Vice presidency of the Dominican Republic.
WFP presented the ICA (Integrated Context Analysis) to government officials and institutions belonging to the National Emergency Commission and Academia.
Operational Updates
WFP and the Vice Presidency of the Dominican Republic held a regional rice fortification event in Santo Domingo in August where selected countries participated to discuss lessons learnt and the feasibility of rice fortification approaches in the region– with an emphasis on its potential as a public health strategy to improve the micronutrient health of vulnerable populations and for achieving zero hunger.
The ICA methodology was presented to the Government and academia actors involved in Emergency Preparedness in the framework of the WFP project in support to the National Emergency Commission on Emergency preparedness.
Under the Nutrition Component of Progresando con Solidaridad (PROSOLI), WFP, PROSOLI and the Ministry of Health ensured 1,300 children from 6 to 59 months received MNP provided by the medical practitioners under the primary health Control and Promotion of Child Growth and Development programme; 275 pregnant women and 5,769 elderly beneficiaries received Supercereal (locally branded as Progresina) during their attendance to primary health care centres.
With the objective of strengthening the control and promotion of child growth and development for children aged 0 to 5 years and antenatal care, WFP conducted field monitoring visits to primary health care centres and trained 108 medical practitioners in Nutrition Counselling, treatment of malnutrition and distribution of Micronutrient Powders and Super Cereal.