While chronic child malnutrition fell over the last decade, anaemia has experienced an upward trend since 2011, affecting 43 percent of children.
High exposure to recurring disasters threatens the food security of vulnerable populations.
The new Government’s inauguration on July 28 2016 could influence public programmes.
WFP has signed multi-year cooperation agreements with the Ministries of Social Development and Inclusion (MIDIS) and Health (MINSA) to promote food security and nutrition.
WFP Assistance
- “Promotion of Food and Nutritional Security in Sechura”-PROSAN TF FOSPIBAY (Jan 15 – Jan 18)
Under the PROSAN initiative, WFP seeks to improve the food security of 23,000 vulnerable people in Sechura, where the lack of government health services and economic opportunities, particularly for women, contributes to above average rates of chronic child malnutrition and anaemia. WFP aims to strengthen government capacity and focus on principally female-led community nutrition programmes, address micronutrient deficiencies, support smallholder farmers’ market access and develop emergency response capacity.
- “Technical Logistic Capacity Assistance in Emergency Preparedness and Response”-LCD TF Government of Japan (May 15 – Apr 17)
With its Japan funded LCD project, WFP’s objective is to help authorities coordinate and strengthen their humanitarian logistics response capacity, focusing on needs assessment, transport, warehousing and distribution, integrating gender and cultural considerations.
- “Promoting the implementation of PLANAGERD by strengthening the coordination of SINAGERD actors, institutional capacities and community preparation”-DIPECHO TF UNDP/DIPECHO (Jul 15 – Nov 16)
Under the EU funded interagency DIPECHO project, WFP’s goal is to strengthen authorities’ emergency response capacity and coordination by identifying disaster risks and vulnerable populations, developing gender sensitive methods to measure emergency response capacity, improving emergency food assistance guidelines and supporting INDECI´s training programme.
- “Strengthening capacity of the national school feeding programme”-Qali Warma TF UNDP/Qali Warma (Sep 14 – Dec 16)
With its Qali Warma project, WFP aims to strengthen social protection in Peru by providing technical assistance to the national school feeding programme focusing on nutrient dense student plates; strengthening the knowledge on food and consumption habits of school children and adaptability of fresh food products to the school diet through various nutritional studies; having introduced and institutionalised a ´Systems Approach to Better Education Results´ SABER, to the Peru Government. - “Improving the nutritional status of vulnerable populations in Ventanilla”-REPSOL TF REPSOL 200956 (Apr 16 – Mar 20)
Building on the reduction of anaemia achieved during the 2011-2015 project, this new nutritional education initiative targets a larger geographic area to support government efforts to reduce malnutrition by working with female community leaders, parents, teachers and local authorities as well as providing capacity building support for district staff and public health and social protection officials in Ventanilla district, on the outskirts of Lima.