Key Figures
- 143,400 undocumented Afghan returns (1 Jan - 10 Sep 2016, Source: IOM)
- 114,420 Afghan refugee returns (1 Jan - 15 Sep 2016, Source: UNHCR)
- 263,300 Internally displaced persons (1 Jan - 4 Sep 2016, Source: OCHA)
Ongoing Response
An Initial Rapid Needs Assessment of undocumented refugee returns took place on 5 September across the six highest intended return districts in Nangarhar province. The assessment found that due to the sudden and considerable influx, local resources and basic services in Nangarhar have become dangerously overstretched, particularly in the capital of Jalalabad, with many returning communities living in open areas and multiple occupancy dwellings, heightening their exposure to the elements, disease and other protection concerns. Areas for immediate attention include Chamtala (Khogyani), Khalis Family (Jalalabad City) and Hisar Shahi (Rodat) with shelter being the primary need, in addition to health, WASH and food security; lack of secure tenure also presents a pervasive protection risk.
Immediate Assistance to Undocumented Returnees: the most vulnerable families receive a one-month package of support (NFIs and food) after they register and are checked against vulnerability criteria. Polio vaccinations are provided as well as a medical check for those considered to the most vulnerable. For the documented returnees, UNHCR continues to provide the enhanced cash grant of $400 per registered refugee upon return. In cooperation with partners and other UN Agencies, UNHCR is also strengthening service provision in the Encashment Centers, notably health posts (visits and vaccinations), Mine Risk Awareness and counselling. UNHCR will also continue to enhance its monitoring of returns and work to strengthen protection and reintegration elements. Increased staffing at the Encashment Centers will also facilitate systematic interaction with refugees, enabling greater detection and documentation of protection concerns, and strengthening advocacy with the Government of Pakistan.
Financial Update
The 1st CHF Reserve Allocation was opened for proposals on 4 September 2016, in support of humanitarian activities which cater to the humanitarian needs of people on the move, both internally and across borders, which have substantially increased in the last two months. Approval and signature of the proposals will take place in the next days. In addition, a concept note totalling US$ 18.6 million has been developed and submitted to the CERF Rapid Response window, feedback for which is forthcoming. Bilateral donors have also indicated their willingness to support activities included in the Flash Appeal, including Belgium, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and UK.