Sectors of assistance
CCCM 76,131 Approximate numbers of IDPs
14 Litres per person per day (UNMISS Site) 25 Repaired in Wau Municipality
58 Communal shelters constructed by IOM
4,081 Consultations provided at the three sites in the last 7 days
• Wau PoC camp management has negotiated with the existing camp leadership group to support the new camp governance structures; nominations for candidates to stand for the upcoming elections is ongoing.
• Wau PoC camp management has begun site mapping and have marked block boundaries in Zone A and Zone B.
• DTM: More people exited both the Wau Poc and the Cathedral collective centre than entered during the past week with all of those exiting intend to return to locations outside of Wau Town.
• The IOM S-NFI teams is providing technical guidance to cluster partners to perform identification and distribution according to S-NFI cluster guidelines. 14 new households have been identified for distributions at Lokoloko collective centre.
• IOM continues to ensure access to safe water for IDPs, providing an average of 387,140 litres of water each day to 18 water points at the Wau PoC. IOM continues to provide daily water quality monitoring of all water points.
• During the week three boreholes were rehabilitated in Wau Municipality, with 4 hygiene promotion sessions held in the surrounding area.
• The top morbidity at the three clinics was malaria (2,578 consultations) followed by Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (669 consultations).
• Routine vaccination continued during the week with 209 children receiving vaccinations.
• 36 pregnant, and 94 non-pregnant women received the tetanus toxoid vaccine during the week.
• 3,868 individuals were provided with health promotion messages at the three clinics, including the importance of vaccinations for children and women of reproductive age, family planning and malaria prevention.
• Psychosocial support (PSS): 7,890 individuals were provided with PSS services by community mobilizers, including counselling (6 individuals), medical support and referral (42 individuals) and PSS messaging (7,818) which included coping with change and service availability.