Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Rainfall report :
An average amount of 22.89 mm of rainfall was received in the County for the month of August .V egetation condition :
The v eg etation condition Index VCI -Month) was 37.02 in August the month of August from 52.25 in July.VCI indicated a normal vegetation con dition for the County but a reduction from th at of the previous month .
Socio Economic Indicators Production indicators
The body condition for both cattle and goats were fair but the condition deteriorated from that of the previous month s due to reduction of pasture .
Milk production de creased in the month of August from that of the month of July and it was also low er than th at of the long term average.
There was Livestock immigration from Garissa and Tana River counties .No drought related livestock deat hs were reported in the August .
Access indicators
The average Term of Trade for the month of August was 0.from 0.in Ju ly .
Average h ousehold watering distance de creased from 1.Km in Ju ly to 1.Km in August.
Milk consumption de c rease d from 0.litr es in July to 0.litres per household in the month of August .
Utilization indicators
The proportion of children at risk of malnu trition de creased 4.% in Ju ly to 3.4% in the mont h under review but remained lower than the long - term mean .
The average coping strategy Index de creased from.9 in Ju ly to 0.in August . This was lower than the long - term average