Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Generally the mon th was char acterized by hot sunny days .
No rai nfall was received and this is n ormal at this time of the year .Quantity and quality of Pasture and browse was fair in Mixed Farming zones and poor in Marginal mixed farming livelihood zones .
The average 3 month VCI index for the county was 39.73
Most surface water sources such as pans and earth dams had started to dry up hence reduction in v olume of water thus households had to look for alternative sources of water .
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
Body condition for s hoats remained good and fair for cattle across all the livelihood zones and this is norm al at this period .
Terms of trade remained favorable .
The percentage of child ren at risk of malnutrition decreased to 6.4 % from 7.1 % which is within the normal range .
Coping strategy index (CSI) was within the normal ranges at 0.72, households employed fo od based coping strategies mostly .