Source: Government of Kenya
Country: Kenya
Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
- No rains were received in the entire County during the month. This is normal during this time of year.
- Vegetation condition ; the-month Vegetation Condition index for the County was 61.16 classifying it as Normal vegetation greenness
- The Monthly VCI for Lafey, Mandera East , south , west and North sub counties are showing Normal Vegetation Greeness
- Pasture and browse situation is fair to poor in all sub counties.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)
- Production indicators; Milk production and consumption ha ve declined as compared to last month but above LTA .
- Water situation is normal in all sub counties .
- Terms of trade are favourable to pastoral communities.
- The body conditions for all livestock species are fair but on worsening trend .
- The ut ilization indicator is within the normal range .
- Joint nutritional Survey indicates GAM of 2.% and SAM of 4.3% in August 2016.