As a result of efficient use of the limited resources, important improvements have been observed:
• 90.000 people moved from Severe Food Insecure status to Moderate Food Insecure status from February to July 2016
• Improvement of nutrition status: 17 pockets (Municipalities) of Acute Malnutrition in July 2016 reduced from 32 in February; 0.5% global decrease of SAM; 2.6% global decrease of GAM
• 150,000 people gained access to safe water
Despite these positive trends, latest data confirms that vulnerabilities continue to be very high:
• 3 Districts in “Grand Sud” are still highly affected by Severe Food Insecurity
• 5 additional Municipalities are affected (in two additional Districts) as a result of an extension of the drought area
• 100,000 additional people are in a situation of Global Food Insecurity
• More than 80% of loss of main harvests recorded in June 2016 compared to 2015
In worst-affected pockets of Androy region, households are expected to face large food consumption gaps, in line with Emergency (IPC Phase 4) outcomes between October and January. Other drought-affected areas of the south will face Stressed (IPc Phase 2) or Crisis (IPC Phase 3) food insecurity (source: FEWSNET).