On 4 June the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for Iraq (JulyDecember 2015) was launched, with a total budget of US$498 million, targeting 5.6 million vulnerable Iraqis with essential, life-saving support. Within the HRP, UNICEF is seeking US$48 million of which
During June, 68,322 individuals were newly displaced or newly identified as displaced, bringing the total population of IDPs in Iraq to 3.1 million individuals as of 18 June.
In response to the recent displacements, the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) Consortium distributed 77,000 RRM kits throughout June, benefitting 530,000 individuals in more than 60 locations across 11 governorates. This figure includes 9,000 RRM kits reaching some 60,300 individuals in hard to reach areas.
In Missan, UNICEF rehabilitated 46 schools previously used as shelters by IDPs, thereby improving the quality of education for 28,800 children. In the central zone, 560 teachers received training on psychosocial support (PSS), progressive pedagogy and school governance.
UNICEF supported a regional polio campaign in Ameriyat Al-Falluja, Khaldiyah and other high risk areas in Anbar Governorate, reaching a total of 124,947 children under five.
In central Iraq, 38,000 IDPs in camps and collective centers received safe drinking water through water trucking and distribution of bottled water. Since the start of the IDP crisis in January 2014, UNICEF has provided 2,354,019 individuals with access to adequate amounts of safe water.
With UNICEF support, the Directorate of Culture and Art in Dahuk Governorate, organized a cultural exchange visit between 4,000 IDP and host community children. They discussed peaceful coexistence, family support systems, the consequences of child labor, and child marriage and access to education for vulnerable groups.