General Overview
Completeness for weekly reporting in week 29 of 2015 was 80% compared to 70% in week 28 of 2015 and 79% in week 29 of 2014.
In week 29 of 2015, malaria was the top cause of morbidity among IDPs and registered a proportionate morbidity of 28.9%, which represents an increase when compared to 28% in week 28 of 2015.
Six new measles cases were reported from Bentiu PoC, while Renk reported two suspect measles cases in week 29 of 2015. A total of 344 measles cases including five deaths (CFR 1.45%) have been registered in Bentiu PoC since the beginning of 2015.
Cholera cases have risen to 1,212 including 39 deaths [CFR 3.2%] in Juba and Bor Counties. The national and state level cholera taskforce committees have been activated to initiate comprehensive preparedness and response activities at all levels. A new case of circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Virus type 2 (cVDPV2) has been confirmed in Mayom County, Unity state. Outbreak response activities are already underway.
In week 29 of 2015, nine new cases including three deaths of HEV were reported from Bentiu PoC. Hence the cumulative for HEV is 115 cases including four deaths (CFR 3.47%) in Bentiu and 150 cases including seven deaths (CFR 4.7%) in Mingkaman.
The under-5 and crude mortality rates by IDP site were below the emergency threshold in week 29 of 2015. In Bentiu, the U5MR has been rising but remains below the emergency threshold. In week 29 of 2015, the common causes of death among children under-five in Bentiu were malnutrition, malaria, pneumonia, hepatitis E and perinatal complications.