Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification
Biophysical Indicators
Vegetation Condition Index values remained at above 50. However, pastures were highly depleted in Kieni low lands due to poor pasture regeneration and overgrazing.
Rivers registered normal flows while water holding structures were at 50 percent capacity.
Socio Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)Livestock had fair body condition with a score of 3 compared to a score of 4 to 5 normally.
Milk production was 14 percent above normal ranges and 8 percent higher than milk yields realized in June
Maize and beans were lost at tasselling and pod filling stage respectively. However, harvesting of potatoes was ongoing although the yields were insignificant
Terms of trade remained unchanged at 0.3 from last month which was within short term ranges of 0.3 - 0.8
Milk consumption during the month was 6 percent above normal. However the current months’ consumption of milk dropped by one percent compared to the previous month
Children at risk of malnutrition stood at 1.1 percent as compared to short term averages of 1.7 percent.
Coping strategy index of 1.6 was reported which was within normal ranges