Weekly Highlights
From August 10-11 IOM Sierra Leone welcomed Mr. Mohammed Abdiker, Director - Department of Operations and Emergencies and Dr. Davide Mosca, Director - Migration Health Division, at IOM HQ Geneva as well as representatives from the IOM Regional Office in Dakar on a consultative mission.
High level meetings were held with the UN Resident Coordinator, WHO Country Representative, Minister of Health, US CDC and USAID OFDA.IOM clinicians in collaboration with the Ebola Response Consortium are providing Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) training support at Connaught, Princess Christian’s Maternity and Ola During Children’s Hospitals and have now trained 535 hospital personnel.
IOM and World Hope International will hold a one day conference on Cultural Burial Liaisons at the University of Makeni on 18 August.
IOM Bombali’s Flow Monitoring Point and two Vehicle Checkpoints in Sella Limba and Tambaka Chiefdoms screened an average of 2,100 per day travelers crossing to and from Guinea, Kambia, Port Loko, Makeni and Koinadugu over the past week.