Since the escalation of the crisis in Yemen on 26 March, 2015, a total of 22,555 people, including 10,402 Yemeni nationals, fled from Yemen to Djibouti.
As of 15 August, UNHCR and ONARS (the government refugee entity) registered 2,551 refugees, thereof 2,410 Yemeni nationals, including 846 children
UNICEF has been providing access to safe water to all Yemen refugees in Markazi camp, the new refugee site established to accommodate this population.
In response to a measles outbreak in Dikhil and Ali-Sabieh regions UNICEF reached 277,119 children through a massive vaccination campaign conducted countrywide.
A total of 2,592 children suffering from life threatening severe acute malnutrition were admitted for treatment. Over 29,500 children at risk of malnutrition were admitted to blanket feeding programmes and over 28,500 received micronutrient supplementation.
3,850 refugee, migrant and vulnerable children were given access to pre-, primary, secondary or non-formal education.